I will not be holding labyrinth events in or around Vancouver until I return. My timeline may keep me away until the middle of March 2011.
I wish the labyrinth enthusiast of Vancouver health and happiness on their paths.
Labyrinths and Liminality: Walking a Labyrinth is like accepting an invitation to pray, meditate, contemplate, dream, celebrate or play; a place to find inspiration, satisfy a curiosity, examine metaphor, mythology or simply, a place to explore liminal space: a 'betwixt and between' place. See my Profile for a full description of this Blog . . . Background picture on my Blog is from the posting: Thursday, August 19, 2010.
Copy write Notice
Copyright © 2010 - 2024. All rights reserved. The material on this site: pictures or written material, may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in any form.
Peace and Blessings on your path.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Liminal time in Liminal space: dusk on the Foreshore at Sunset Beach, English Bay, Vancouver BC today.
. . . a photograph of the labyrinth walk today.
Dusk, sundown or twilight; the time 'betwixt and between' day and night: Liminal time.
The Foreshore on Sunset Beach; 'betwixt and between' the Nearshore and Backshore of Sunset Beach: Liminal space.
Intriguing aspects of the walk: a white, long stem, rose found beside the labyrinth which was not present before the labyrinth was drawn; a heart and the word 'Joy' found painted on rocks beside the labyrinth; and, a delivery person appearing and asking us if we ordered a pizza.
Liminality: a place to choose the chaos of the unconsciousness over the control of explanations and answers.
Labyrinth Event: Today, Saturday, December 11, 2010
This walk will happen during sunset which is approximately 4:00 pm, at Sunset Beach, in English Bay. See November 29 Blog entry for directions.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Labyrinth Event: December 10, 2010 at St. Paul's Anglican Church from 7 to 9 pm.
St. Paul's Anglican Church has regular scheduled labyrinth walks. Tomorrow night, Aryana Rayne will introduce her book "Labyrinths of British Columbia, A Guide for your Journey." The presentation will be followed by a walk.
The address is:
1130 Jervis Street, Vancouver, BC
(between Davie and Pendrell Streets)
Regular hours the labyrinth at St. Paul's Anglican Church is available to walk are:
9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Monday to Thursday
8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
2nd Friday of every month
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
The website address:
The address is:
1130 Jervis Street, Vancouver, BC
(between Davie and Pendrell Streets)
Regular hours the labyrinth at St. Paul's Anglican Church is available to walk are:
9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Monday to Thursday
8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
2nd Friday of every month
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
The website address:
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
A new look to the Blog and plans for traveling
I have change the formatting of this Blog over the past few days. The content, however, remains the same. Please be informed that I will be traveling out of the Province soon and will not be holding events until I return. I will post a general timeline of my return before I leave.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Labyrinth Event: Today, Monday, November 29, 2010 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, Sunset Beach, English Bay - directions.
Environment Canada is predicting a wet day today, however, I have posted these photographs to clarify the location of the labyrinth if the forecast is wrong.
The general location to find is 1204 Beach Avenue, as noted in the Blog entry of Tuesday, October 26, 2010.
When you are in front of the Beach Cafe and facing the water, the Burrard Street Bridge will be on your left. Walk toward the bridge and the fenced area of the parking lot until you reach the light, on your left, and the 'No Dogs Permitted on Beach' sign, on your right. The labyrinth will be on the beach where the land slopes to the water, beyond the sign.
I will post a Blog entry at 5 pm today confirming or cancelling this event.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Labyrinth Event: Monday, November 29, 2010 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, Sunset Beach, English Bay, Vancouver British Columbia.
For directions, please see the Blog entry dated Tuesday, October 26, 2010; however, note the slight change in location from that entry. Specifically, when you are in front of the Beach Cafe, on the walking path and facing the water, walk to your left toward the Burrard Street Bridge. Before you reach the water taxi launch, walk to the waters edge. The labyrinth will be located where the beach slopes to the water, facing the Burrard Street Bridge.
Note the location in the above photograph: click on the picture to increase the size for a better view. And, because the event will happen after sunset, a flashing bicycle light will be located next to the labyrinth to mark the location.
As always, this is a weather dependent event. So please check back on Monday for event confirmation.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Update for the November 14, 2010 'Walk' at Spanish Banks.
The forecast for tomorrow, according to Environment Canada, calls for showers. I will, however, post a message early tomorrow morning whether I will be drawing a labyrinth.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Labyrinth Event: November 14, 2010: 7 to 8 am: Spanish Banks
I have been asked to draw a labyrinth at Spanish Banks this weekend, weather permitting, during the above times. Sunrise for this 'Walk,' is predicted to be at 7:21 am. Please wear rubber boots or other foot wear that will permit you to cross cold tidal pools. For directions, please check my Blog entry:
Solstice Labyrinth: Monday June 21 from 9 am to 12 noon
Also be sure to check my Blog Sunday morning for confirmation of this event.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
October 31, 2010: Sunrise
In my rush to get to Sunset Beach this morning, I forgot to post a confirmation notice. My apology to anyone who missed the 'walk' because of my oversight.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Directions for the Sunset Beach Foreshore Labyrinth: October 31, 2010 from 7 to 9 am
At Sunset Beach in English Bay, find the Beach Cafe which is located at
1204 Beach Avenue.
Make your way to the walking path in front of the Cafe, next to the beach.
Facing the water, look to your right for a metal ring sculpture.
Walk toward the sculpture and the waters edge. Look for the labyrinth where the
beach slopes toward the water.
Please note that labyrinth events for the next few months will be at this location.
1204 Beach Avenue,
English Bay,
Sunset Beach
Labyrinth Event: Sunday, October 31st from 7 to 9 am at Sunset Beach, English Bay
This event, weather permitting, will be held close to sunrise. Sunrise is a liminal time of the day: 'betwixt and between' the night and day. Sunrise offers a pleasant time for prayer or meditation, a time so seek form or gestation.
Predicted sunrise time for this event: 7:59 am
Please see my next entry for directions and check my blog Sunday morning for confirmation of this event.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Labyrinth walks: Saturday, September 18th and Friday, September 24th (Equinox Labyrinth walk)
Saturday, September 18th: a Sunrise Labyrinth walk will take place at Spanish Banks - please check my June 19th Blog Entry for directions. Walking will occur between 9:00 am and 12:00 noon.
Friday, September 24th: an Equinox Labyrinth walk will take place at Sunset Beach, in English Bay - I will post details on the exact location soon. Walking will start at 12:00 midnight and end, early, at 1:30 am on Saturday September 25th. Please not this is a very late night and early morning time frame, but low tide at this time of the year is late into the night. If you need information, please email me:
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Labyrinth Walk: Wednesday, August 25th at Spanish Banks
I will be holding a labyrinth walk this Wednesday from 12:00 noon until 2:00 pm. Drawing will start at 10:30.
Please see my June 19th Blog entry for directions.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Lock Bay, Sandwell Provincial Park, Gabriola Island
Lock Bay has silvery, clay like, sand that is a pleasure to work with . . . it is, also, a gratifying place to walk a labyrinth . . . photograph's from today.
Gabriola Island,
Lock Bay,
Sandwell Provincial Park
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Sand Dollar Labyrinth . . . August 18th, Oyster Bay . . .
. . . photographs of the 'walk' this morning . . . the foreshore of this beach was speckled with abandoned sand dollar shells
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Labyrinth Event Tuesday morning July 20th from 8 am to 10 am
For directions, please see my Blog entry for June 19th, 2010.
Email me if you have questions: walkingalabyrinth@gmail.com
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
The Labyrinth, Liminality and the Foreshore
This Friday, July 9th from 7 to 9 pm, I will be hosting a Labyrinth Evening at St. Paul's Anglican Church. I will be facilitating a discussion and walk, titled "The labyrinth, Liminality and the Foreshore." During the walk, I will be projecting images from past Sand Labyrinth Events and playing an ocean soundscape. The address for the Church is:
Vancouver, British Columbia
604 685-6832
My email:
Vancouver, British Columbia
604 685-6832
My email:
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Sounding Between Land and Sea: today at Spanish Banks
Today's Event, led by Kira Van Deusen, will start around 3:15 and may repeat around 4:15. The tide level today will determine the length of time we can be on the Foreshore.
For direction to the labyrinth, please see my June 19th Blog entry.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Sounding Between Land and Sea: Spanish Banks, Saturday July 3, 2010
Find ways for your vocal sounds to harmonize with the sounds and landscapes around you, while you walk a labyrinth. Introduction will start around 3:15 and may repeat around 4:15. Led by Kira Van Deusen.
For direction to the labyrinth, please see my June 19th Blog entry.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Labyrinth Event tomorrow - Saturday, June 26th - at Spanish Banks 11:00 am to 1:30 pm.
For direction please see my Blog entry on June 19th, 2010 . . . with the forecast for tomorrow, there will be a labyrinth walk tomorrow . . .
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
. . . the closing of Liminal Space - Summer Solstice 2010
. . . the flooding of the foreshore of Spanish Banks, just after Summer Solstice, as liminal space closes.
liminal space,
Monday, June 21, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Solstice Labyrinth: Monday June 21 from 9 am to 12 noon
These pictures are of the location I use to draw on at Spanish Banks. Below are the directions to my location.
From the Spanish Banks East Cafe, walk to the circular patio overlooking the beach. Once there, look to your left, in the distance, for a white sign that warns of the ‘Rocks’ that are located there. Walk from the patio, down onto the beach and over to the ‘Rocks’ sign. Once you reach the sign, look for a path. Follow the path to the labyrinth.
Solstice occurs about 11:30 and, by that time, the tide will probably be high enough that there will be tide pools to walk through on the way back to the beach.
Solstice can be considered a liminal 'time' in nature because at the solstices, the Sun stands still in declination and the apparent movement of the Sun's path north or south comes to a stop before reversing direction.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Liminal Space . . .
- a place 'betwixt and between'
- liminal = limen = threshold
- liminality - an inner state
- anti-structure which gives direction, depth and purpose
- a place we can begin to think and act in new ways
- time when we are not certain or in control
- a place to choose the chaos of the unconsciousness over the control of explanations and answers
- the ideal teaching and learning 'place'
Richard Rohr
- liminal = limen = threshold
- liminality - an inner state
- anti-structure which gives direction, depth and purpose
- a place we can begin to think and act in new ways
- time when we are not certain or in control
- a place to choose the chaos of the unconsciousness over the control of explanations and answers
- the ideal teaching and learning 'place'
Richard Rohr
'betwixt and between',
liminal space,
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Labyrinth Event: Spanish Banks 11:30 am to 1:30 pm, this Monday June 14th
I will be at a regular spot I have used over the past couple years at Spanish Banks. Please email me for details
Monday, June 7, 2010
Labyrinth Event: June 8th at 11 am to 1 pm: Exploring the closing of Liminal Space
I will be drawing a Labyrinth at Spanish Banks tomorrow. Please email me @:
for directions or with any questions you might have.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Labyrinth Walk at Sunset Beach, tomorrow, June 3rd - from 3 to 5 pm
For location details, please read the previous blog enter for the Sunset Beach location.
Or email: walkingalabyrinth@gmail.com
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Labyrinth Event: May 15th and 22nd at Sunset Beach

At Sunset Beach in English Bay, find the Beach Cafe which is located at
1204 Beach Avenue.
Make your way to the walking path in front of the Cafe, next to the beach.
Facing the water, look to your right for a metal ring sculpture.
Walk toward the sculpture and the waters edge. Look for the labyrinth where the
beach slopes toward the water.
Walking the labyrinth on May 15th will take place from 12 noon until 3 pm and 22nd from 8 am until 10 am.
Both of these events will be held WEATHER PERMITTING
For more information, please email me at:
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Connecting with nature . . . experiencing wonder
I have grown to appreciate Kye Bay on Vancouver Island for the opportunity it offers to connect with nature.
In early April I drew a labyrinth at Kye Bay. I was in the process of photographing it, when a eagle flew by me and landed on a tree behind the labyrinth. The eagle sat perched in the tree while I completed my walk.
Several times I stopped to look at this bird of prey . . . what most caught my attention then and still, was the relationship between the eagle and the two crows sitting on a branch above the eagle. Why two crows and not more? Why were they above the eagle and not below? Were the crows a couple or were they acting together for the benefit of other crows - why??
I also wondered why I often see crows pursuing eagles, yet, they will build a nest next to a tree with a pair of eagles nesting in it.
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Blog Archive
- A new look to the Blog and plans for traveling
- Labyrinth Event for today is canceled because of t...
- Labyrinth Event: Today, Monday, November 29, 2010 ...
- Labyrinth Event: Monday, November 29, 2010 from 6:...
- Labyrinth Event for November 14th, 2010 is cancele...
- Update for the November 14, 2010 'Walk' at Spanish...
- Labyrinth Event: November 14, 2010: 7 to 8 am: Spa...
- Sounding Between Land and Sea: Spanish Banks, Satu...
- Labyrinth Event tomorrow - Saturday, June 26th - ...
- . . . the closing of Liminal Space - Summer Solsti...
- Happy Solstice!
- Solstice Labyrinth: Monday June 21 from 9 am to 12...
- Liminal Space . . .
- The Labyrinth as a visual meditation: Labyrinth on...
- The Labyrinth as a visual meditation: Labyrinth on...
- Labyrinth Event: Spanish Banks 11:30 am to 1:30 pm...
- The Labyrinth as a visual meditation: Labyrinth on...
- The Labyrinth as a visual meditation: Labyrinth on...
- Labyrinth Event: June 8th at 11 am to 1 pm: Explo...
- Labyrinth Walk at Sunset Beach, tomorrow, June 3rd...
About Me
- walking a labyrinth
- Walking a Labyrinth is like accepting an invitation to pray, meditate, contemplate, dream, celebrate or play; a place to find inspiration, satisfy a curiosity, examine metaphor, mythology or simply, a place to explore liminal space: a 'betwixt and between' place. . . Victor W Turner has described liminality as "a fructile chaos, a storehouse of possibilities, not a random assemblage but a striving after new forms and structures, a gestation process." Labyrinths are drawn on the foreshore, betwixt the nearshore and the backshore, between the low and high water marks to present liminal space as a physical location. Labyrinths may also be drawn during liminal time: dusk or dawn and/or solstice or equinox. The flags surrounding the labyrinth are used for a couple reasons: first they help people find the labyrinth at Spanish Banks. Next, they are used to create a natural acoustic environment. This auditory experience or sound scape ecology is intended to alter the perception and/or the perspective of visitors while they are walking the labyrinth. For information please email: walkingalabyrinth@gmail.com