These pictures are of the location I use to draw on at Spanish Banks. Below are the directions to my location.
From the Spanish Banks East Cafe, walk to the circular patio overlooking the beach. Once there, look to your left, in the distance, for a white sign that warns of the ‘Rocks’ that are located there. Walk from the patio, down onto the beach and over to the ‘Rocks’ sign. Once you reach the sign, look for a path. Follow the path to the labyrinth.
Solstice occurs about 11:30 and, by that time, the tide will probably be high enough that there will be tide pools to walk through on the way back to the beach.
Solstice can be considered a liminal 'time' in nature because at the solstices, the Sun stands still in declination and the apparent movement of the Sun's path north or south comes to a stop before reversing direction.
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