These pictures are of the location I use to draw at Spanish Banks. Please refer to them when reading the directions below. You may also wish to Google "Spanish Banks, Vancouver BC map" for a map.
From 4th Avenue, turn right onto and follow North West Marine Drive, past Locarno Beach Cafe, until you reach the Spanish Banks East Cafe. Walk to the circular patio overlooking the beach, in front of the Spanish Banks East Cafe. Facing the water (with the cafe at your back) look to your left, in the distance, for a line of rocks that extends from the dry, sandy part of the beach down to the wet sand. Walk from the patio to the end of the line of rocks and look for a path made in the wet sand, with a rake, that leads away from that location. Follow the path to the labyrinth.
you are so kind to create this space-- blessings and gratitude. i will be there!