The Labyrinth is at the bottom of the picture and is outlined in a circle of lights.
Thank you Lori for helping create this labyrinth.
- The Hemispheres
- Leave the familiar for a while.
- Let your senses and bodies stretch out
- Like a welcomed season
- Onto the meadows and shores and hills.
- Open up to the Roof.
- Make a new water-mark on your excitement
- And love.
- Like a blooming night flower,
- Bestow your vital fragrance of happiness
- And giving
- Upon our intimate assembly.
- Change rooms in your mind for a day.
- All the hemispheres in existence
- Lie beside an equator
- In your heart.
- Greet Yourself
- In your thousand other forms
- As you mount the hidden tide and travel
- Back home.
- All the hemispheres in heaven
- Are sitting around a fire
- Chatting
- While stitching themselves together
- Into the Great Circle inside of
- You.